What a nice evening in a great atmosphere yesterday at the Musikclub Session in Bonn!

Many thanks to all guests and not least the Dark Side Event Team and The House of Usher (Gothic Rock Band)!
Special thanks also to Andreas Deußen, who took care of us so warmly!
So off to the next place! Travel with us on 01.09.2018 in Munich (https://www.facebook.com/events/226900481374474/) into the vastness of the universe,
because “X-O-Planet takes you to infinity … and beyond!”.

Manja Kaletka und Goderic Northstar

Fotos: Jörg Schnebele (JS Pics)

Jörg Schnebele Pictures: http://jspics.de/?p=34225
Hellfire Magazine: https://www.hellfire-magazin.de/25-08-2018-x-o-planet-live…/